Brian Weyl - Software Engineer
Personal Website of Brian Weyl - Powered by Jekyll with Gravity theme

Deleted Russian Troll Tweets NBC posted over 200,000 tweets that Twitter deleted that belonged to Russian Troll accounts. The tweets were made available in a .CSV format with data such as the user...

CodeWars with Golang Over the past few days I have been getting more and more interested and into the go language. After reading through multiple docs and examples I decided to try my hand at a fe...

Searching Twitter User Descriptions Inspiration and Motivation I have recently created a program that could display trending twitter topics of specified locations, compare trends, and display sam...

Overview of Advent of Code For those who are not familiar with the Advent of Code, it is a coding competetion put together by Eric Wastl. The competetion lasts December 1st through December 25th a...

Creating a command line interface for Twitter trends I wanted to come up with a way to quickly discover the trending twitter topics of different regions of the United States (and the world) withou...